HiPure Water vs. Plastic Cartridges

Plastic filtration cartridges are expensive, so they are not always replaced when they should be. 

Result: Part of the time, you are drinking impure water. 

HiPure Water tea bags are inexpensive so you can replace them frequently. 

Result: You are always drinking pure water.

HiPure Water is always fresh.

HiPure Water can be the fastest way to highly purified water

0 min

to replace a plastic cartridge in a water pitcher

Wash it briefly, install, then discard the first three pitchers of water (5 minutes each) before use.

0 min

to replace a sorbent tea bag in HiPure Water

Wash it briefly, then install and use it.

Time is valuable.

HiPure Water Beats Cartridge-Filtered Water

HiPure Water was able to remove more total dissolved solids (TDS) than a popular plastic cartridge, even though the plastic cartridge contained 10x more sorbent. HiPure Water was faster, too, thanks to its tea bag technology.

HiPure Water Goes Beyond TDS

A plastic filtration cartridge can provide water with a low TDS reading (low salts)...who cares?!!! What you really want to know are trace contaminants in the water that might compromise your health, like some pesticides, trihalomethanes, and PFAS.

The only answer:


HiPure Water Cost: Saves About 60%

Plastic Cartridge Filtration Pitcher

Change the filter every two months at a cost of $6 per filter…

$3 per month

HiPure Water

Change the sorbent tea bag weekly at a cost of $0.25 per bag…

$1 per month